How should the patients prepare before undergoing the LASIK Procedure?
Have you just come to know that you are an ideal candidate for undergoing Lasik Surgery in Punjab? If yes and you have gotten scheduled with the date of when you will undergo the surgery, then today’s blog is surely going to be for you.
Here in this blog, we are going to enlist some of the tips, which will help you to be prepared before visiting the Eye hospital in Punjab for the procedure:
Are you ready?
Let’s move to our blogs
Try To Stay Hydrated Before The Procedure
Before the surgery begins, you are required to consume a great amount of water. The importance of staying hydrated after the procedures lie in the fact that it will promote your healing process.
Did you know?
One of the short term side effects which people experience before the surgery is related to dry eye.
But! But! But!
If the individual increases his/her water intake to a significant level, then such side effects could be curbed.
Do Not Wear The Contact Lenses
Make sure that you are not wearing contact lenses before the procedure.
Notable Points!
The doctor will strictly prohibit you from wearing the lens one week before if you are intending for the soft contacts and one month before the hard contacts.
Why so?
It is because the wearing of the contacts can not only alter the shape of your cornea but it does also impact the results of the LASIK Procedures.
Wear The Comfortable Clothing
Do not wear what suits you, wear what comforts you during the procedure. Since you’ll be awake during the entire LASIK procedure, the first thing which matters a lot is wearing something comfortable.
Make sure you are wearing loose clothing which you can wear off easily by not letting them come in contact with the eyes.
Do Not Visit Us Alone
We know that you are strong enough, but for the medical concerns, we can not let you go home on your own and that particularly by driving yourself to your place.
Lasik is the procedure that involves the operation of the cornea. You will face difficulty in focusing on the way.
So it’s better to take someone along with you who would drive you home or take care of you during the procedure.
No Makeup, Please!
The doctors are not going to judge you based on your looks. They will only judge you based on your medical condition. Do not make the treatment process difficult for the doctor by wearing those makeup, perfumes or the lotions
Read all the terms and conditions of the procedure
Do not sign off the consent letter without reading it thoroughly. Make it ascertain that you have thoroughly gone through each of the terms and conditions. Alright?
It is for your good. If in case you have any doubt, then do ask the doctor at that time.
Final Comments!
If you follow all the above mentioned preparatory tips before undergoing the procedure, then nothing can stop your procedure to come out as successful.