Doctor’s Guide: Surgical Procedures Of Cataract And Glaucoma
Both glaucoma and cataract are a natural part of the growing old process. In most situations, it is not something that happens or is associated with each other, apart from people who are above the age of 60 in general.
Glaucoma Eye Condition
Glaucoma is basically an eye condition in which the patient gradually starts to lose sight without any trigger and most of the time without any symptoms too. The reason behind the vision loss in such cases is because of the damage to the optic nerve. If the doctor diagnosed you with glaucoma, we highly recommend you undergo the Glaucoma surgery In Punjab for better vision.
Cataract Eye Condition
On the other hand, a cataract is an eye condition wherein the patient notices cloudiness or even opacity in the lens. This changes or blacks the entry of light which ultimately affects the vision in the long term. If the doctor diagnosed you with such eye cognition, do not hesitate to undergo Cataract Surgery In Punjab.
Cataract And Glaucoma Combined
Both cataracts and glaucoma are severe conditions requiring an immediate evaluation from the professional; they can also lead to vision loss. However, in cataract conditions, the doctor can reverse the loss of vision with the help of surgery. But in glaucoma, the situation of loss of
vision is yet irreversible.
Patients who have glaucoma are not usually at higher risk of suffering or developing cataracts. That being said, there are also some exceptions in such a situation, patients who have glaucoma that is caused because of some secondary reason such as eye trauma, eye inflammation, or even steroids.
In a glaucoma condition, the doctor can not regain the loss of vision with the help of surgery, unlike in a cataract condition. The surgeon, in most cases, removes the clouded lens of the eyes and then later replaces it with a clear plastic lens which is also known as an intraocular lens implant.
Surgical Treatment For Glaucoma And Cataract
The doctor highly suggests that patients who have mild glaucoma that is comparatively stable undergo a surgical procedure that removes the cataract while simultaneously treating glaucoma with a laser treatment or pressure-lowering medication. If the doctor conducts cataract surgery only on an eye with glaucoma, then there is a chance of it lowering the pressure in the eye.
Those patients who have serious glaucoma are more likely to need cataract surgery. Basically, the doctor will perform a combination of both the removal of the cataract and the filtering procedure of glaucoma. It will also be an appropriate procedure for those patients who have undergone many anti-glaucoma medications.
Who Is Eligible For Combination Surgical Procedure?
Everyone can not undergo these procedures; the doctor recommends this combination procedure for those taking multiple anti-glaucoma medications, the state of glaucoma, and also how mature the cataract actually is. Your doctor will dictate whether or not you are eligible to undergo the whole procedure by evaluating various factors beforehand.