Eye Care: What Does The Eye Doctor Look At During The Annual Eye Exam?
Annual Eye Examination: What happens?
With every preventive measure you take, your overall well-being does get transformed into a better state. No matter if you talk about your physical, dental, or eye health, you cannot leave anything for granted. Well! My focus is to enlighten you about the importance of visiting one of the Best Eye Hospital In Punjab to ensure your overall eye health stays balanced.
Regular eye checkups are important
To make your eye vision manageable and detect any problem, you need to consult the eye doctor at the earliest. Consulting the eye doctor lets you understand if there’s any change you need to make or address the problem. So, it would help if you had medical assistance on time for the vision and your eyes.
If the doctor suspects something wrong or you wear eyeglasses, you are told to undergo Cataract Surgery In Punjab. All in all, it’s highly essential to consult the eye doctor and get medical treatment on time.
Eye examination lets you talk about the vision concern
During your eye examination, the doctor will closely check the vision change. Remember that vision change occurs rapidly, so you must regularly take care of the same.
The slight shifts in eye vision are the culprit that you face problems with your eye health. When you visit for an eye examination, the doctor checks the following:
- Side vision
Checking the ability to see things that are not in the direct vision line
- Visual acuity
Checking the vision clarity
- Nearsightedness
Not able to see things that are present at a distance
- Farsightedness
Not able to see things that are incredibly close
- Teaming
Make sure the eyes track and movie together in sync
- Astigmatism
When the cornea shape is not regular, which increases the chances of blur vision
- Amblyopia
Eyes misalignment
Well! Not just these, but the doctor checks several other conditions. Depending on the problem, the necessary diagnosis and tests are suggested for effective management.
Understanding the eye condition and diseases
The problem with eye conditions or diseases is that symptoms are not immediately noticeable. And that’s why being frequent and regular with eye examinations is essential. It does help to notice even a necessary minor change before the situation worsens. When you consult the eye doctor, he will perform several tests to manage the entire situation. Some of the most common eye conditions that require immediate treatment are:
- Glaucoma: High blood pressure damages the optic nerve and increases the chances of blindness
- Retinal detachment: Retina gets lifted from the eye back
- Diabetic eye disease: Group of eye problems which might lead to blindness and can cause issues to diabetic patients
- Retinopathy: Retinopathy increases the possibility of retina damage
Well! Whatever your eye test results show, the eye doctor will proceed accordingly. It knows about the entire condition.
Final word!
Just like your body needs food to run and process. It would help if you were always careful with your eye health. Schedule your initial consultation at Mitra Eye Hospital & Lasik Laser Centre.